Journey to Participate

You belong here just as much as anyone else.

What we offer

Circles where you can be your authentic self

All our circle gatherings and communities are free to attend and fully participate in because we know how fundamentally necessary connection and belonging are to the individual and collective wellbeing and progression of us all. So much so, we believe community and connection are fundamental human rights.

A Marco Polo Community

Basecamp Belonging uses the Marco Polo app to connect groups of women together who are doing this work and who truly get it. We place you in a small Marco Polo group where you can make friends, share wins and struggles and belong. We’ve found that these groups create lifelong friendships.

Contact us if you’re interested in joining a Marco Polo group.

An Instagram Community

Come follow our @basecamp.belonging Instagram page for lots of helpful content, great conversations and updates.

Resources and businesses to help

We are gathering a large number of resources and businesses to help you on your journey. These are the tools you can use while you are climbing your mountain. If you have resources to share, head on over to our Directories page to submit the ones that have been helpful to your life.

Want to rise to the next level of healing?

Our Training and Embodiment Center is the place for you.